Beware of Didicar Imitations
Only the original Didicar has the European Directives CE safety mark and new UKCA mark for toys
How do I know if a Didicar is authentic?
Didicar has become aware of companies who are selling imitation products. Didicar is not associated in with these companies and they are not authorised sellers.
Imitations can usually be identified by a price reduction or special offer which may appear on eBay and Amazon. We are the only Didicar reseller on Amazon.
Fake Didicars may be available on other websites that use "Didicar" as an internet search term but they are selling imitations under a different name.
Watch out for sites that have more than one name for the same product, these sites are not selling Didicars!
Remember: If it doesn't say Didicar, it isn't a Didicar.
Look out for price
The official Didicar retails for £54.99 (with or without delivery charges) and can be purchased from many legitimate sites including this one.
Your official Didicar will arrive in its own full-colour box with the Didicar logo, complete with full photo instructions and customer service contact information.
We strongly urge our customers to be aware of imitation products as we cannot guarantee the safety or quality that you would normally associate with the genuine product.
CE safety mark & UKCA safety mark
It is illegal to sell toys in the UK without the European CE safety certification and the new UKCA mark. If in doubt, ask the company for a copy of the safety certificate for the product.
If you do not see the CE logo and UKCA mark on the packaging and paperwork with your toy, then it is not a Didicar. We advise that you return the toy to the seller and make a report to Trading Standards.
Contact us if you are unsure about the legitimacy of a product you have seen.
Didicar instructions
How to build your Didicar